Abby Kitty's Blog

Just another Edublogs site

המגרה השלישית של שבא

hello, it’s Abbykitty again and today I will be talking about a story that we started. It’s called Sabah’s Third Drawer

Our task is to try and think about what is in the forbidden drawer. I have seen the story before so I know what is in there.

What’s in the drawer is the badge that Sabah had to wear during the holocaust. It was the Yellow star that said ” Jude” on it.

Bye, I’ll see you in another blog post.


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End of Year Hebrew Review

Hey, it’s Abbykitty and today I’ll be making a Review about what we did in Hebrew this year.

This year in Hebrew we covered lots of topics like stores, restaurants and many other topics.

What I achieved this year was posting my projects a lot more. I also got better at Hebrew vocabulary and making sentences.

What was helpful this year was that we had more time to study and practice Hebrew vocabulary. I also liked that we had lots of different topics in Hebrew and we would change every few months.


What helped me this year was doing the word walls and doing some Gimkits with the vocabulary that we were doing at that time.

The way blogging helped me was that I could have my work on the blog so I wouldn’t lose it. I also worked hard so I would be able to put it on the blog so it wouldn’t look weird

My suggestion for the grade 5s next year is to always be responsible and get ready for tests upcoming so you are ready because some of tests are a bit confusing if your not ready.


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Hey it’s Abbykitty and today I’ll be doing a reflection on my Smart Goals

My SMART goal was to get better at number sense by the end of the school year. The way I achieved this was I focused on only doing number sense on IXL for many months. I also asked for some worksheets that could help me get better at number sense. What I’m proud of in my SMART goal is that at the start of the school year my IXL levels in the number sense area my score were 490-510 and now it is 710-720. I’m glad that I practiced in this area of math so I could get much better.

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Public Speaking

Hey, it’s AbbyKitty again and today I’ll be doing a self-reflection on public speaking.

So what I liked about my own speech was that I didn’t make it too long yet it wasn’t too short. I think what I could do better was make some non-verbal cues along with some facial expressions. I like some of the others because they connected with the audience, showed some images used non-verbal cues and also spoke in a clear voice that was clearly understandable. I think was some people could of do is make their speak a bit longer as some of them were very short. what I think they also could have done is not speak so fast and say the words more clearly. One of the speeches was about the Titanic, but it was really long and I think it could have been a bit shorter.

I really liked the speech on the Titanic even though it was very long because she showed pictures


here is a picture of me doing my public speaking on What is Alzheirmer’s Disease




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Hey, it’s AbbyKitty and today I will be sharing with you a midrash about the peace agreement between Laban(Totally honest and trustworthy) and Iakov.

what we leard was that Iakov ran away from Laban to go to his homeland. then Laban met up with him and had a peace agreement. It is not said on what they agreed on so this is what I think that happened





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Hey it’s Abby kitty. Today I will be talking about……… Geometry! Yay

Geometry is a type of math that has to do with shapes, sizes, positions, and angles.

What I want to learn is how to identify the different angles more easily.

So that’s it and Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye!

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Generations day

Hello, it’s Abbykitty again and today I’ll be talking about what we did for Generations Day.

I did the activities with my friend, Starielle and her grandparents with her dad. It was fun.

here is a pic of us doing it






Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! See you in the next blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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What I like to eat

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Projet Vidéo Écran Vert

Après plusieurs semaines de travail sur notre maquette qui montrait plusieurs aspects de la vie quotidienne d’un groupe autochtone Les Iroquois, et après avoir fait l’enregistrement de nos lignes que chaque groupe devait apprendre par coeur, notre vidéo était prêt à visionner. 

Voici mes commentaires de ce que j’ai aimé. 

J’ai aime le image de le forest et les effets de son.

. Aussi, j’aimerais faire quelques suggestions pour améliorer ce projet si j’avais à le refaire. 

je ne veux pas étre trop ennuyeuse.

Ci-dessous, vous trouverez le lien de notre projet de groupe sur les Iroquois .


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We are learning Fugitive language!

Hi, it’s Abbykitty and in this blog, I will be doing a fugitive language that was related to my Passover break.


I jumped and ran so I could sleep like a hibernating bear.

I woke up so early it felt like I hadn’t slept one wink.

I got so bored sometimes I wish I could die!



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