Abby Kitty's Blog

Just another Edublogs site

Mon projet sur les Les Iroquois

Madame Sylvie nous a demandé de réfléchir sur les points suivants à la fin d’un projet de groupe qui a duré plus de huit semaines. Ce projet avait plusieurs exigences:


  1. Rechercher de l’information pour satisfaire 8 catégories
  2. Distribuer les tâches entre nos membres de notre équipe
  3. Préparer une présentation sur CANVA
  4. Créer une maquette d’un village Iroquois
  5. Apprendre par coeur quelques lignes au sujet de notre peuple autochtone avant l’enregistrement
  6. Parler en avant de la caméra
  7. Présenter notre projet sur CANVA


Maintenant, je vais vous dire ce qui a bien fonctionné pendant notre fabrication de notre maquette.

Qui a bein fonctionné c’est faisons le diorama pare cette quille nous sommes connsatrie.

Par contre, à mon avis, ce qu’il faudrait changer si on faisait ce projet une autre fois c’est n’est pas  parle beaucoup est fais pluis maison longes.


Pour la présentation sur CANVA, je pense que ce dont j’ai bien fait c’est  nous sommes ne faisons pas beaucoup des phrases est le projuit est ne pas tres longes.


Cependant, il y a plusieurs choses dont je dois améliorer pour la prochaine fois comme  ne pas parle et  faire le projuit, et faire des pluis détails.

Ci-dessous, vous trouverez une image de notre maquette dont je suis très fiere.









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My goals 2023

Hello, and it’s Abbykitty again. Today I will be talking about my short-term goals for 2023. So let’s get started.


My goal is to by the end of the year I want to be better at number sense. The way I can achieve this is by practicing fractions. The people who can help me are Mr. Watters, Ms. Cleveland, and my parents. What I’ve done so far is that I have practiced on IXL and doing worksheets.

My other goal is NOT to read in math. I have put my book in my locker or the back of my desk.

Bye for now see you in my next blog post.

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Les Iroquois – Une reflection


Je viens de commencer un projet en équipe de trois.

Je ne me sens pas inquiete parce que mes membres de l’équipe  travaillent ensemble.


  1. Chaque membre de mon équipe fait trois ou quatre categories.

J’aime travailler avec les membres de mon équipe.


Au revoir

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Rocks and Minerals – self directed science

Hello, It’s Abbykitty and today I will discuss rock and minerals.

So in this blog, I will write up on my science focus Rocks and Minerals. For this science focus, I am making a crystal mine here is my research work on the rocks and minerals I chose not the ones I will be growing.

Being ready to learn 

Crystal and minerals mine 




It has a hardness of 5-6. Its empirical formula is Fe3O4.   You can find it in the sand at beaches. This mineral sand can be found in Hong Kong South Eastern China, California beaches, and the West coast of the North Island of New Zealand. 




This crystal has a hardness of 7-7.5 Its formula is SIO2—the formula SIO2 is made of silicon dioxide. Quartz can be Clear, light pink called rose Quartz, Purple called Amethyst, black Quartz called smoky quartz, and more. The most common places to find Quartz are in the Alps, Minas Gerais, Madagascar, Brazil, and Japan.


Red Marble 


The hardness of a red marble is 3-4. Its empirical formula is caCO3. You can find red marble in the middle east, but Italy can also have it. They are then one colour of red marble like pink, black, brown,  yellow, green and so much more.



The molybdenite hardness is 1-2. Its empirical formula is MoS2. You can find this mineral in New Mexico and climax mine in Colorado. You can find it in other places too. Molybdenite is a bluish-grey colour.



The hardness of sphalerite is 3.5-4. Its formula is Znfe. You can find sphalerite in North Africa, Poland Belgium. 



The hardness of graphite is 1-2. It is on the bottom of the Mohs scale. The formula is c because it is only made of carbon. Turkey,  China, and Brazil have to most graphite.

Setting learning goals 

This is my plan for my self-directed science


Here is how M.s M would assess me.


This is my plan for the projects


Engaging in the learning process

Here are some photos of me and my thought partner building our Projects

Here is me cutting some cardboard



this is my and my thought partners’ project.


This is inside my rock mine.




I enjoyed my project and if you noticed I have added a heading that describes The photos.

Here is a tour of our museum


Hope you like it

Evaluating the learning 


There was not much I did wrong or let’s say not focused. This was a delightful project and I had a lot of fun making this project.  One thing I Could have done better was add more information in the seven paragraphs above on many different rocks and minerals.


Bye, I’ll see you in my next blog post!

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Public Speaking

Hello there it’s Abbykitty and today I will tell you about my public speaking. Here are my public speaking paragraphs


Intro and hook


Did you know that 7 million pets are euthanized each year? (pause)

7 million… wow… I don’t know about you but that number shocked me.

Hello, M.s M class and guests. There are millions of pets in the world. Sadly lots of them have to be put down or euthanized because shelters are too full or because they have been there for too long and were very stressed.

Today, I will share with you animals in need, why you should adopt, and the benefits of adopting.  Let’s waste no more animal time and jump right in! 


 Point 1 Facts 

First, let me tell you some facts about animals in need.  Many pets are brought to animal shelters each year because the person is moving, has developed allergies, or has become too ill to take care of their pet. Other reasons include that their pet had babies and they couldn’t take care of them. Did you know that 6-8 million pets arrive in shelters and 3 million get put down?  Some shelters are city run and some are privately run by people who want to help ownerless animals get owners. Now fewer pets are in shelters because of increased adoptions and stray animals being returned to their owners.  Did you know one unspayed cat can have 4 kittens which can have kittens and that leads to even more kittens?

The fewer the unexpected babies the fewer animals to take care of.


Point 2 is why people should adopt


Think about if you were left in a cold, small place with nobody to take care of you now think about if you were a pet who was left at a shelter and not sure if you would be adopted. Pets in shelters are kept in kennels in the rescue shelter. They are kept behind bars with little room. The plastic ones have holes. Pets sometimes have to share a kennel because the pet shelter is too full.  It’s not enough room for them sometimes. If there are active dogs in the small kennel the dog does not have enough room but if you have a crazy bunny it’s different because bunnies are tiny and the kennels can be significant for them. But no matter what pets in shelters are waiting for a loving caring place to live and stay. 

Topic 3: benefits of owning a pet


So you’re still unsure about getting one? Well, let me tell you the benefits of owning a pet. First pets can reduce stress by up to 84 % of post-traumatic stress disorder.  Pets also help with anxiety and protection. Pets can also be used as therapy animals if somebody has a disability or anxiety. They also help you exercise,  lower your blood pressure, and keep you happy and healthy. I adopted my cat from a privately run shelter and the shelter had many cats there no dogs( It was a cat rescue shelter called furry tails cat rescue )




If you want a pet you should adopt one, not buy from a breeder because animals in shelters are in need not directly bred. If you adopt a pet don’t give it up unless you have a good reason like if you have to move somewhere where pets aren’t allowed or you become too sick to take care of your pet. That is because sometimes the pet will be euthanized and it can cost $150 or more. So if you want a pet go to your city’s pet adoption center and adopt a pet instead of going to a breeder.


 Thank you for reading See you next time 

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Podcast reflection

Hello there and welcome back to Abbykitty’s blog. In this blog, I will tell you about my podcast reflection.


 Name of the book

The name of the book that I did was  Back To The Titanic. It was a very interesting book and the cover was very catchy.

What went well

What went well was the tasks and pretty much everything. It was very fun and enjoyable.


What would I did differently 

So what I would have done differently was keep the work in a safer place and speak more in the podcasts. Oh and make it not like 30 minutes.

Other things to use podcasting in school for

I would use it for more book reports and other projects.




Bye see you In my next blog post!

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Hello there it’s Abbykitty again and today I will be talking about the country… France!



The population of France is 65,686,127 as to the latest census on May 15, 2023.



The main religion in France is the  Roman Catholics.  Here is a photo of a roman catholic church.


a large white church with a brown roof


Neighboring countries 

The neighboring countries of France are Spain which is southwest of France. Belgium is in the Northeast and Germany is also in the  Northeast.

Geographic features

The geographic features in  France are the Alps and the seine river.


The climate of France is in the summer it’s hot and in the winter it’s mild.

popular foods

Popular foods in France are baguette cheese and croissants and many more.

Here is a photo of two macarons from Unsplash.


Here is my worksheet for this project.

If you want to know about Paris click down here

Paris facts

Bye, see you next time in my next blog post!

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Rocks and Minerals Cookie excavating

Hello there  It’s Abbykitty again and today I will tell you about my first science lesson on Rocks and minerals. So we were excavating cookies like they were the earth and we were the geologist.

Photo of me and my group destroying the earth.

what is a geologist?

A geologist is a scientist that studies the earth like how it was formed. They also study rocks and minerals.


A cookie is an earth 

For our excavation, we used cookies as our earth and we ended with a destroyed cookie earth.  We tried to see how many chocolate diamonds we could find.  I found 39 chips on the hard cookie and 9 on the soft.


My worksheet from my cookie excavating

Bye see you in my next blog post!

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Innovation Day

Hi, it’s Abbykitty. Welcome to my Innovation day project. I will have Everything I did for my Innovation Day project in this blog. So get ready to dive in!

Middle Ages Background Information 


Pulleys and Gears



My description of what is happening in the photo.


What is a pulley?

More than one pulley.




My Hypothesis.

So for our castle, we will have an arc at the front. We also will have a gun loop on the side, a drawbridge with gear, and a pulley system. We will also have a garden separated from the castle with a moat. So how the drawbridge will work is that we will add a thin wooden stick and we will and holes on the sides to put the stick through and we’ll add gears and string


 My Procedure Video.

Here are my final results:



 My Self-Assessments:


Self Reflection 

What I liked was making the Castle, and planning. I liked it because it was fun to make and I liked creating a castle which made it fun was that I worked with my friends and that is what I liked. What I wish I did better was focus and get this blog done faster.


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Stop Motion Blog Post

Hi, it’s Abbykitty again. In this blog post, I will discuss my stop motion project.  My partners were Goombah James and Brutus (Their blog user names ). Our Stop motion was on the wild robot. The scene that we did was at the very beginning of the story.

Here is our stop motion


Hoped you liked the video

If I did this again I think that I would focus more and get it done a little earlier. Overall I think that The group that I was in was a good group for me.


Bye see you  next time in my next blog post

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